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David Carlton


    In life, every time you do or make something you have the opportunity to make something creative and original. Take something, add to it and pass it on, that’s the creative process.

    My art is influenced by a combination of the styles of the Symbolist, the Surrealist and contemporary Realist and a compulsive motivation to make things.  The world around us is an infinite source of inspiration.

    After several years serving in the U.S. Navy and several fits and starts with college, David graduated from Georgia State University in 1977 with a BFA degree concentration in sculpture. Since then he has continued to produce art in a variety of mediums including sculpture, painting, furniture, ceramics and drawing. Craftsmanship is motivational force in all his work, giving careful consideration to how sculptural elements – mass and volume, solid and void, color and texture - fuse to establish surprising configurations that compel the viewer to deepen and prolong one’s engagement with the object.

     An ongoing fascination with architecture has led David to work with many architects and engineers to gain a working knowledge of space planning and construction of commercial and residential buildings.

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